New Year’s resolution update: February

Admittedly,  I haven’t been keeping up with them, as much as I had been for January. Still there was progress. I have that booklet for February down. Including a ticket stub for Deadpool – a family affair, and a program from a free concert that me and a friend went to just before her birthday. Totally livesnapped the event to another one, who lives abroad now.

I’m not finished with a new book yet, but I am in the middle of Songs of the Dying Earth,  for a book I abandoned. I’m also using the Fullmetal Alchemist manga for a book I read read at least once. It’s a manga. I’ll use the completed thing as a whole book. Plus manga. io^.^ I’ve already teased with Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man  for a book that I should have done in school.

I’m aware that trying to complete three books at once is risky business, since possibility of me abandoning one is high. I’m using that as a way to combat abandonment though. SotDE is pretty captivating, but I think it’s a bit dense. FMA is familiar and that alone draws you in, but sometimes, you’ll need something else. I have hopes for Invisible Man though. Puts me into the pattern I started in January.

I’m falling behind in personal Bible Study, and I think that could be a major reason for a sense of drifting, falling back into old habits, laziness, a drop in so much right now.

I think I’m wary of doing it to become a routine, and lose the sense of why I’m doing this in the first place. On the other hand, I feel like having that done would add – and did add – a certain discipline that I needed. I felt more active and satisfied in January, and even last year when I  regularly did it anyway. Since I fell away from Bible Study, or felt it harder to do,  I’m basically  lost for lack of a better word. Same with my prayer journal, to be honest.

I could blame others for it, but I know this is all on me.