Favoritism in the Family – Daddy’s Baby


In a given community, at some point, members  of said community would come into conflict. These conflicts can be a result of any things, including a claim to property, rumors and gossip that escalate, among others. It is usually up to governing bodies to determine if there is a reason for said conflict, and if justice is to be carried out on behalf of the afflicted. Like any community, members of a family may come into such conflicts. While more trivial than the conflicts of a village or township, it is up to the governing body (the parents) to determine a source of conflict between its ordinary members (the children) and how it can be solved.  Favoritism in the Family is an important factor leading to a number of conflicts within this community.


Over the past 26 years, the observed family has been blessed with three children. T1 – First born, First Daughter; T2  –  Second born, Second Daughter; T3 – Third born,  First Son. And over this period of time, T2 and T3 have come to the conclusion that T1 is the favorite child, with preferential treatment of T1 by the parents P1 and P2. This conclusion is a direct result of several tests completed, where different actions carried out by either T2 or T3 resulted in negative responses from P1 and P2. While observing these results and analyzing these tests, it can be concluded that more work is to be done to come to a more accurate and definite result. Using the same family as in the original studies, further testing will be done to obtain this definite conclusion.


Based on the results of past tests, it is easy to some to the conclusion that T1 – the First born and First Daughter – is the preferred child – Daddy’s Baby. However,the intent of this study is to show that this conclusion is a result of incomplete testing. T1 is not the favorite. A more accurate analysis of the past studies, is that the request by T2 and the pushing by T3 helped cause the positive reaction toward T1 by P1, because all three catalysts (T1, T2, T3) asked, agreeing that all three could benefit from the request’s fulfillment.

Proposed Tests and Considerations 

In these studies, P1 and P2 will be observed individually for their reactions to catalysts T1, T2, and T3.

  1. In the first round of testing, each one of these catalysts will act similarly toward the subjects.
  2. In the second, each catalyst  will ask a favor of the subjects.
  3. In the third round, each catalyst will ask the subjects to buy a trivial item that the catalysts do not need.

The reaction in each of these situations toward each of the catalysts will be recorded for further study.

Considerations for these tests include the following:

  1. Each catalyst has one chance per round with each subject. Each catalyst has a total of 6 rounds – 3 rounds per subject
  2. One catalyst can initiate a round of testing on the subjects. One round of testing per day.
  3. The attitude of the catalysts must be the same toward each of the subjects. i.e. If one catalyst is disagreeable to one subject, each catalyst must be disagreeable  toward both subjects.
  4. The favor asked, must be the same toward both subjects.


Beef and mushroom tortellini

I don’t think this is my first time making pasta, since I definitely consider ramen noodles to be pasta, but it is the first time I made Italian pasta, and stuffed too. Yesterday I made steamed dumplings, and used the same folding you’d used for tortellini. Because of that, and the fact that there’s no food that I like in the house, I decided to make some today. I made soup. Completely experimented on it though.


It’s not much, and it does not look like any picturesque soup you’d find on Pinterest, but it is tasty.

For the dough, since I didn’t have eggs I had to look up a recipe for it. Just a cup, maybe a cup and a half of all purpose flour, a pinch of salt, and water (added sparingly). It gives you enough for two batches. This really only needed half the dough. I used a small cutter and got about twenty circles for the tortellini.

The filling was just some minced beef, and mushrooms, cooked in olive oil, pepper, Italian seasoning, parsley, oregano, Cayenne pepper. Added water for broth that I added to the soup.

The soup broth was easy too, but here I really experimented. 2 Ochroes cut up, half a carrot diced, some cabbage shredded, half a beet grated, some coconut milk and half a Maggie Soup-it-up, and two hot peppers. I was a little worried, because the veggies were for salad, and the beet turned it pink, the coconut milk was all you could taste, and I couldn’t really add anything else before I ruined it. But it’s really not bad. At least once it cooled down. The peppers give it a subtle heat, the milk adds texture and taste, and the veggies give it body

– Kaye~


I still have the second half of the dough to use. I dunno how yet. Any suggestions? It’s a simple water-flour mix. And I already did dumplings for the week.

Interview with Caitlin Glass, Part 2: Faith and Voice Acting

She’s a VA that I really admire, so this interview is really well appreciated!

Beneath the Tangles

From Ouran High School Host Club’s Haruhi to Fullmetal Alchemist’s Winry Rockbell, Caitlin Glass has voiced some of anime’s most beloved characters.  She’s also funny, personable, and great to her fans.  Back in August, Caitlin was kind enough to answer a few questions about voice acting.  I was able to catch up with her at IKKiCON 2011 and finish our interview; this time, I asked her about her Christian faith.

TWWK:  I found out about your faith through an interview you did on the Fans for Christ website.  I admired how vocal you are.  Could you quickly tell us your testimony and how you became a Christian?

Caitlin:  Sure!  I only vaguely remember it because I’m one of those that grew up going to church, so as far as I recall, it was just a situation of being in children’s church and at the end of every Sunday, they…

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So, like, on a real, Repentence, Reconciliation, Revivial.

I’m a bit behind in …. pretty much all my interests and hobbies, and before I get a little too real at 9:33 in the morning, I’ll leave my thesis statement at that.

But there is a point to it.

I’m trying to make my way through different relevant themes in the bible. I’m not perfectly on-time with the 2 week schedule, because of reasons  (read excuses some days). I was stuck on Exodus 33 for like, three days. I honestly didn’t know how even see the relevance in it to the theme of Prayer. Like, yeah, it was a prayer, I see Moses going before God, praying for His presence and to witness God’s glory. But… How does that play in with the whole wrath after the Golden Calf incident or…. in anything?

I’m a few themes in the plan, and I’m three topics in this one. Why am I focusing on this one? Why not start with any of the others? Why not start at the beginning of the plan?

Cuz I feel this one is important and uncannily  applicable to us today.

This is gonna be long.


Summary of Exodus 33

It follows the whole debacle of the Golden Calf. We all know how disastrous that was, right?

  • God renews His promise to Abraham as it applies to the Israelites. The country would be theirs.
  • He provides, and fulfills the promise, but He says that he will not go with them into the promised land. They’re too stiff-necked and stubborn.
  • They are told to remove their ornaments as a response to the command given to them, via Moses. They do it as a show of penitence and fear of the possibility that God will not be with them
  • God meets with Moses. The Israelites see and recognize God’s presence and see that Moses is in His presence- the pillar of cloud that goes to the tent of meeting outside of camp where Moses is.
  • They worship God where they were in camp
  • God speaks with Moses as a friend
  • Moses requests God’s teachings and Presence to be close to him and the Israelites
  • God grants his request for His presence -gives Moses authority over the Israelites, to lead them. If His presence is with them, it would distinguish them from other people and other nations
  • Moses requests to see ?God’s glory. God promises to pass over him, shielding him but He will proclaim His name before Moses. Moses will see God’s back
  • God will show mercy and compassion to whom He will

The Israelites were called to repentance. And they began to do so. They were not hesitant either. They knew the importance of having God among them. They were unique. They were provided for. They were protected., They were distinguished among other nations. Or they would be if God continued with them.

Why did they have to take off their ornaments? To show their love and loyalty to God. They were still provided for, and protected. Going on without God in their camp would have meant they loved God because He blessed them. They would have shown that they valued the blessings more than they valued Him.The fact that they paid attention to and listened to and obeyed the warning and took the chance to repent says alot.

Moses had already decided to go before God to ask for His forgiveness on behalf of His people. He, as the elder and leader of the Israelites went before God and prayed for them. He went before God, actively seeking Him out in the midst of the crisis facing them. He found what he looked for, and it was obvious to others around him. And they worshiped, with what I imagine to be some of the sincerest hearts, like…. ever. They desired God’s presence as well.

Moses actively searched for God’s presence to not only be with His people, but also with Moses, himself.  He would be in God’s presence. He would be in fellowship with God, and be that much closer to Him. He would know, and the Israelites would know that their leader was appointed by God, himself, to lead them. It wasn’t simply for validation though. Moses refused to move them, until he was sure God would go with them. If he continued, he would prove that there was no love for God among the people. He did all this out of love and loyalty toward God. Staying would be an active move toward reconciliation with God.

He also seeks out God’s glory, asking God to show it to Him. He wanted more of God, rather than more from God. He wanted to witness the manifested glory of God.

He prayed for a revival. He wanted more than the blessings and the presence of God. He wanted more of God.

I think that fervor would have inspired more people to do the same. It inspired worship from the people. Joshua didn’t leave the tent where God’s presence was after Moses had left.

So what’s the importance here?

Why is this Applicable?

How many of us, who are heirs and Children of Abraham through Christ are turned from God? How many of us need to truly hear the rebuke and warning, and truly repent? How many of us are seeking to be in God’s presence? How many of us are seeking to witness God’s glory? How many of us are praying for reconciliation between ourselves and God, and between our people and God? How many of us are inspiring the same desires in those around us?

I’m looking at a mirror here. This is way too real for me too.

What even is Truth anymore?!

Out of everything that I can blog about and get out and put out there (there is a list; starting from -n), there is one that keeps coming back. I think this is a good place to start. Everything just comes back to it recently. We keep seeing different horrendous acts done in the name of, or against Christianity. We see people mocking Christianity and misrepresenting its teachings and followers. We see Christian teachers teaching the wrong thing, because they believe the wrong thing. We see people who claim to be Christians act in a way that is not according to the Gospel, mocking non-Christians and condemning them for their unbelief, justifying their decision to not be believers themselves. We see Christians doing the same to other Christians.

I have Questions. They apply to Christians, both inwardly and externally.

  1. What teachings pertaining to Christianity are we learning? What do Christians actually believe? What is Truth? What is the Word?
  2. Who  are our spokespersons and teachers- Are they new believers with an unguided zeal? Are they established but lukewarm? Do they seem like they’re sensationalizing, putting others down in their mistakes, and scorning them rather than correcting them? (agh, seriously hope I’m not one of these with this one) Does anything they do or say seem wrong to you or seem contrary to the teachings you know to be of the Gospel?
  3. Can we differentiate between the overzealous and the false teachers and preachers, and the ones who candidly reprimand us for our souls’ sake?
  4. What do we, as individuals, personally  (truthfully) believe? Is what we believe found in the bible as taught by Christ and His Apostles – are they of the Holy Spirit? Do we know what is taught by Christ and His Apostles?
  5. Continuing this inward examination, are we permitting the continuation  of the wrong teachings? Are we accepting them?
  6. Are we going to accept what non-Christians say, in their misunderstanding, and not take it as an opportunity to teach them-without being rude!-acknowledging that their background may have proved otherwise regarding Christianity? Are we gonna let it slide, because we’re afraid, and let their words and opinions influence the next generation?
  7. Are we going to allow discrimination and dissent among ourselves as well as in society?
  8. Are you (Am I) truly a Christian?

Number 8 is a big one.

I want to do a big, long post for this. But I think these questions are enough. Hopefully, they’ll get you to think, and read and study the Word. Hopefully, they’ll get you to evaluate yourself as much as you evaluate what you come in contact with and from who.

I know I need to apply every one of these to myself. In terms of the external, I see lots that can be contradictory to what I’m learning. Internally, I recognize that I need to know and be able to confidently say what I believe in. Even as I put it out there for myself, I want you to consider these, for yourself. I think it’s in everyone’s best interest.